Welcome to the blog for the research project, Kinning with the Unseen More-Than-Human: Re-sensing Barrambin’s disappeared waterways and creeks.
Our goal is to, through collaborative design with the community, inspire a deeper connection between the residents of Kelvin Grove and the rich history of the ground they live and work on, through a re-sensing of the vanished but still-living waterways of the Barrambin area. We aim to give these old waters a new voice, and to bring their stories to light.
Currently, we are undertaking a thorough site exploration of the area. By analysing documents, written accounts and data, we’re developing a detailed picture of the village and parklands, their relationship with the ancient waterways, and the area’s cultural importance to Turrbal and Yugara countries.
This blog constitutes a part of that ongoing analysis, and you can expect to see posts relating to our findings here. Follow us for updates!